论文题目 刊物名称 第一作者 发表年度
Linking the Subsurface Indian Ocean Dipole to Central Pacific ENSO GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS Song, G. 2022
Reply to: On the role of atmospheric model transport uncertainty in estimating the Chinese land carbon sink NATURE Wang, Jing 2022
Reply to: The size of the land carbon sink in China NATURE Wang, Jing 2022
The importance of hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) in winter haze episodes in North China Plain ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Chen, Chun 2022
Early warning of the Indian Ocean Dipole using climate network analysis PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Lu, Zhenghui 2022
Understanding and building upon pioneering work of Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 laureates Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann: From greenhouse effect to Earth system science and beyond SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES Zhou, Tianjun 2022
Characteristic Changes of Bioaerosols in Beijing and Tsogt-Ovoo During Dust Events FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Dong, Xiaofei 2022
Recent enhancement and prolonged occurrence of MJO over the Indian Ocean and their impact on Indian summer monsoon rainfall CLIMATE DYNAMICS Sasikumar, Keerthi 2022
Submicron-scale aerosol above the city canopy in Beijing in spring based on in-situ meteorological tower measurements ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH Wang, Qingqing 2022
Amplified role of potential HONO sources in O-3 formation in North China Plain during autumn haze aggravating processes ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Zhang, Jingwei 2022
The environmental benefit of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coal banning area for North China JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Si, Ruirui 2022
The significant roles of anthropogenic aerosols on surface temperature under carbon neutrality SCIENCE BULLETIN Ma, Xiaofan 2022
Role of hydrological parameters in the uncertainty in modeled soil organic carbon using a coupled water-carbon cycle model ECOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY Sun, Guodong 2022
Impact of groundwater extraction on hydrological process over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY Wang, Longhuan 2022
An integrated air quality modeling system coupling regional-urban and street models in Beijing URBAN CLIMATE Wang, Tao 2022
Quantitative attribution of wintertime haze in coastal east China to local emission and regional intrusion under a stagnant internal boundary layer ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT Yang, Ting 2022
Rapid decline in atmospheric organic carbon deposition in rural Beijing, North China between 2016 and 2020 ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT Cao, Jing 2022
OMI formaldehyde column constrained emissions of reactive volatile organic compounds over the Pearl River Delta region of China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Li, Jialin 2022
Investigating the climatology of North China's urban inland lake based on six years of observations SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Yang, Ting 2022
Three leading coupled modes of summer rainfall with atmospheric circulations over northern East Asia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY Lin, Zhongda 2022
Long-Term Variations of Global Solar Radiation and Its Potential Effects at Dome C (Antarctica) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH Bai, Jianhui 2022
A comparison of tropical cyclone formation over the western North Pacific in August between 1996 and 2014 ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH Cao, Xi 2022
Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation over the Western North Pacific in Boreal Winter and Its Influence on the Central North American Air Temperature JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Dong, Zizhen 2022
The Leading Mode and Factors for Coherent Variations among the Subsystems of Tropical Asian Summer Monsoon Onset JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Hu, Peng 2022
Dominant Anomalous Circulation Patterns of Tibetan Plateau Summer Climate Generated by ENSO-Forced and ENSO-Independent Teleconnections JOURNAL OF CLIMATE Hu, Shuai 2022