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  同时在大学和kaiyun平台APP下载 方面有卓越的贡献,在指导中国气象事业业务方面很有成绩,如在数值天气预告、气候系统模式和跨季度预测气候距平(尤其是降雨距平)系统的建立和运行,中国卫星气象中心的建立和业务,沙尘天气的监测和预报,以及人工影响天气作业的科学化等方面,以及领导中国气象学会和中国气候研究委员会、中国气象学史研究等,都很有成绩。他也是中国参加WCRPIPCC活动的主要专家,CAS-TWAS-WMO Climate Forum执行主任,并为培养发展中国家青年气象学者和全球变化学者作了很大贡献。 



  [1] The application of primitive thermo-hydrodynamic equations to short range weather prediction in a two-level model, Doklady Akademii Nauk USSR, Ser. Geofiz., No.1, 1961. full text, in Scientific Sinica (in Russian), 1963, XII, No.3.

  [2] A test for the difference scheme of a general circulation model, Acta Meteorological Sinica, 1985, Vol.43, No.4, 441-449. (co-authors: Zhang Xuehong and Yuan Chong-guang)

  [3] Available energy conserving schemes for spherical baroclinic primitive equations[J]. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (in Chinese), 1987,11(2): 113-127, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1987.02.01. (co-author:Zhang Xuehong)

  [4] A computational design of numerical world oceanic genera1 circulation model[J].Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 1988,12(s1): 149-165, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1988.t1.13. (co-author:Zhang Xuehong)

  [5] A design of an oceanic GCM without the rigid lid approximation and its application to the numerical simulation of the circulation of the Pacific Ocean, Journal of Marine Systems, 1991, Vol. 1, No.1, 271-292 (co-authors: X.H.Zhang and R.H.Zhang).

  [6] IAP AGCM and its application to the climate studies (co-authors: X.H.Zhang, C.G.Yuan,R.H.Zhang, N.Bao and X.Z.Liang) and IAP Oceanic General Circulation Models, (co-authors: C.G.Yuan, X.H.Zhang, X.Z.Liang, N.Bao, W.Q.Wang and X.C.Lu), in Climate Change Dynamics and Modelling, Edited by Q.C.Zeng et al., China Meteorological Press, 1990.

  [7] Numerical modelling of silt sedimentation and delta evolution. Progress in Natural Science, 1995, Vol.5, No.2, 212-221 (co-authors: D.J. Guo and R.F. Li).

  [8] Simulation of the Asian Monsoon by IAP-AGCM coupled with an advanced land surface model(IAP94), AAS ,1998,Vol.15,1-16 (co-authors:Y.J.Dai, and F.Xue).

  [9] IAP Climate model and their application, Progress in Natural Science, 1995,Vol.5, No.3.257-269 (co-authors:C.G.Yuan and X.H.Zhang.).

  [10] Research on the earth system dynamic model and some related numerical simulations,CJAS,2008,Vol.32,No.4,653-690 (co-authors:Zhou G.Q.,Pu Y.F.,et al.).

  [11] Recent progress on ESM model and its numerical simulation,Advances in earth science,2010,Vol.25,No.1,1-6 (co-author:Lin Z.H)

  [12] Adaptation process and development process in the atmosphere, I, Acta Meteorological Sinica, Vol.33, No.2, 1963, II, Ibit, 1963, Vol.33, No.3.

  [13] The characteristic waves and the geotropic adjustment process in the baroclinic atmosphere. Scientific Atmospheric Sinica, 1978, Vol.2, No.1.

  [14] The physical-mathematical bases of numerical weather prediction, Vol.1, Science Press, Beijing, 1979, pp.543 (in Chinese).

  [15] On the design of compact and internally consistent model of climate system dynamics,CJAS,2002,Vol.26,No.2,107-113.

  [16] On the evolution process of disturbances in the barotropic atmosphere, Scientific Atmospheric Sinica, 1981, Vol.5, No.1 (co-author: Lu Peisheng)

  [17] The evolution of a Rossby-wave packet in three-dimensional baroclinic atmosphere, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 1983, Vol.40, No.1, pp.73-84.

  [18] Evolutionary processes of disturbances in a nonuniform basic current, Scientific Sinica, 1981, XXIV, No.4 (co-author: Lu Peisheng).

  [19] Evolution of large-scale disturbances and their interaction with mean flow in a rotating barotropic atmosphere. Part 1 and Part 2, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 1986, Vol.3, No.1, 39-58; No.2, 172-183 (co-author: Lu Pei-sheng, Li Rong-feng, and Yuan Chong-guang).

  [20] Wave-mean flow interaction: the role of continuous-spectrum disturbances A.A.S. 2000, Vol. 17, 1-17 (co-author: M.H. Zhang).

  [21] On the seasons of atmospheric general circulation and their abrupt changes I: general concept and method, Chinese J.A.S., 1992, vol.16, 329-336 (co-author; B.L.Zhang), II: Case study of particular year, Ibit, 1998, Vol. 22, 103-111 (co-author: B.L.Zhang)

  [22] Seasonal variation of the atmospheric general circulation and monsoon, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 1998, Vol. 22, 211-210 (co-author: B.L. Zhang)

  [23] Interactions between the Northern and Southern hemispheric atmospheres and the essence of monsoon. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. 2002, Vol. 26, No. 4, 434-448 (co-author: Li Jianping)

  [24] A unified monsoon index,Geophys.Res.Lett.2002,Vol.29,1151-1154. (co-author:Li J.P.)

  [25] The abrupt seasonal transitions in the atmospheric general circulation and the onset of monsoons. Part I: Basic theoretical method and its application to the analysis of climatological mean observations. Climatic and Environmental Research. 2005, Vol., 10, No.3, 285-302; Part II: The onset of Summer Monsoon in South China Sea region. Climatic and Environmental Research. 2005, Vol.10, No.3, 303-314. (co-authors: Zhang Dong-Ling, Zhang Ming, Zuo Rui-Ting, and He Juan-Xiong)

  [26] Experiments in numerical extraseasonal prediction of climate anomalies. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 1990, Vol. 14, No. 1, 10-25. (co-authors: Yuan Chongguang,Wang Wanqiu, Zhang Rong-hua)

  [27] A note on some methods suitable for verifying and correcting the prediction anomaly,AAS,1994,Vol.11,No.2,121-127. (co-author:B.L.Zhang , P.S.Lu et al.)

  [28] Experiment of seasonal and extraseasonal predictions of summer monsoon precipitation (Invited paper), Proceedings of the International Conference on Monsoon variability and Prediction (Trieste, Italy, 9-13 May, 1994), WCRP,-84WMO/TD-No.619, 1994.

  [29] Predictions of summer precipitation anomalies by GCMs, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on the Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Programme (2-7, April, 1995, Melbourne), WCRP-91, WMO/TD-no. 717, 1995.

  [30] Seasonal and extraseasonal predictions of summer monsoon precipitation by GCMs, Advances in Atmospheric Science. 1997, Vol.14, 163-176 (co-authors: C. G. Yuan et.al.)

  [31] Dynamic extraseasonal climate prediction system IAP DCP-II. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2003, 27(3): 289-303 (co-authors: Zhaohui Lin, Guangqing Zhou).

  [32] The numerical simulation of the climate change caused by CO2 doubling.Science in China,Ser.B,Vol.36,No.4,451-462. (co-authors:Wang H.J.,Zhang X.H.)

  [33] Validation of climate models,Chapter 4 (authors: Gates ,W.L., P.R.Rowntree, Q-C.Zeng),in THE First IPCC SCIENTIFIC ASSESSMENT,edited by J.T.Houghton et al.,Cambridge University Press.

  [34] Climate models-Evalution,Chapter 5 (authors: Gates,W.L., A.Henderson-sellers, G.J.Boer, C.K.Folland, A.Kitoh, B.J.Mcavaney, F.Semazzi, N.Smith, A.J.Weaver,and Q-C.Zeng), in THE Second IPCC SCIENTIFIC ASSESSMENT,edited by J.T.Houghton et al.,Cambridge University Press.

  [35] Gigantic yellow cloud-soil erosion and dust storm in East Asia, (in Chinese). Co-authors:C.H. Dong, G.B. Pan,S.X.Zhao,Z.B.Feng et al.,2006, Science Press.

  [36] The mechanism of dust entrainment by gustwind, Climatic and Environmental Research, 2007, Vol. 12, No.3, 251-255 (co-authors: Hu Fei, Cheng Xue-Ling).

  [37] The Mechanism of Soil Erosion and Dust Emission under the Action of Nonsteady Strong Wind with Descending Motion and Gustiwind, Climatic and Environmental Research, 2007, Vol. 12, No.3, 244-250 (co-authors: Cheng Xue-Ling, Hu Fei).

  [38] Gustiness and coherent structure of strong winds and their role in dust emission and entrainment. Advance in Atmospheric Science. 2010, Vol. 27, No.1, 1-3(co-authors: CHENG Xueling, HU Fei, PENG Zhen).

  [39] Characteristics of gusty wind disturbances and turbulent fluctuations in windy atmospheric boundary layer behind cold fronts. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2011, 116, D06101(co-authors:Cheng X. L. and Hu F.).

  [40] Parameterizations of some important characteristics of turbulences and gusts in the atmospheric boundary layer. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2012, 117, doi:10.1029/2011JD017191(co-authors:Cheng X. L. and Hu F.).

  [41] Principles of infrared remote sensing of the atmosphere, Science Press, Beijing, 1974 (in Chinese).

  [42] Theoretical problems of infrared remote sensing of the atmosphere, Scientia Sinica, 1979, Vol. 22, No.5.

  [43] Natural cybernetics, Chinese Science Bulletin, 1996, No.1, 16-21.

  [44] Silt sedimentation and relevant engineering problem--an example of Natural Cybernetics (Invited lecture), ICIAM-95 Proceedings of the Invited Lectures, Akademic Veclag, Berlin, 1995.

  [45] Optimal control of sedimentation in navigation channels, J.Hydraulic Engineering,Vol.125,No.7,750-759(co-authors:Zhu J.,Guo D.J.,Liu Z.).

  [46] Cybernetics in the artificial weather modification(Ⅱ),a framework of artificial weather motification based on the natural cybernatics,Climate and Environmental Research ,2012,Vol.17,No.3.

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