开云登录入口手机版 “学笃风正”创新贡献奖(2023)
开云登录入口手机版 科技创新贡献奖(2022)
开云登录入口手机版 优秀博士学位论文奖(2018)
1. Zhang,W., Furtado,K.,Wu,P. et al. 2021. Increasing precipitation variability on daily-to-multiyear timescales in a warmer world,Science Advances. 7(31):eabf8021.(ESI高被引论文)
2. Zhang,W., Furtado,K.,Zhou,T. et al. 2022. Constraining extreme precipitation projections using past precipitation variability. Nature Communications 13,6319.
3. Zhang W., T. Zhou,L. Zou,et al. 2018. Reduced exposure to extreme precipitation from 0.5°C less warming in global land monsoon regions. Nature Communications, 9,3153.(ESI高被引论文)
4. Zhang,W., Li,W.,Zhu,L. et al. 2020. Anthropogenic influence on 2018 summer persistent heavy rainfall in central western China. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,101(1):S65-S70.
5. Zhang W., Zhou T. 2020. Increasing impacts from extreme precipitation on population over China with global warming. Science Bulletin, 65,243-252.(ESI高被引论文)
6. Zhang,W.,Zhou,T.,Zhang,L.,et al. 2019. Future intensification of the water cycle with an enhanced annual cycle over global land monsoon regions. Journal of Climate, 32(17),5437-5452.
7. Zhang,W., Zhou,T. 2019. Significant increases in extreme precipitation and the associations with global warming over the global land monsoon regions. Journal of Climate,32(24):8465-8488.
8. Zhang W., Zhou T. 2021. The Effect of Modeling Strategies on Assessments of Differential Warming Impacts of 0.5°C. Earth’s Future,9,e2020EF001640.
9. Zhang,W., T. Zhou,and L. Zhang. 2017. Wetting and greening Tibetan Plateau in early summer in recent decades,Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,122,5808-5822.(AGU亮点推荐论文)
10. Zhang,W., Chen,Y.,Zhou,T. et al. 2023. Evaluating historical climate extremes in the FGOALS-g3 large ensemble in the presence of internal climate variability. Climate Dynamics,61,5091–5110.
11. Zhang,W., Clark,R.,Zhou,T. et al. 2023: Weather and Climate Extremes Hitting the Globe with Emerging Features. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 41,1001–1016 (2024).
12. Zhang,W., L. Ren,T. Zhou,2022. Understanding differences in event attribution results arising from modeling strategy. Journal of Meteorological Research,36(1),49–60.
13. Jiang,J.,Zhou,T.,Qian,Y.,...,Zhang,W. 2023: Precipitation regime changes in High Mountain Asia driven by cleaner air. Nature,623,544–549.
14. Zhang,X.,Zhou,T.,Zhang,W. et al. 2023. Increased impact of heat domes on 2021-like heat extremes in North America under global warming. Nature Communications 14,1690.
15. Zhou,T.,Zhang,W., Zhang,L. et al. 2022. 2021: A Year of Unprecedented Climate Extremes in Eastern Asia,North America,and Europe. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 39,1598–1607.
16. Chen,Z.,Zhou,T.,Chen,X.,Zhang,W., et al. 2022. Observationally constrained projection of Afro-Asian monsoon precipitation. Nature Communications 13, 2552.
17. Zhou T.,W. Zhang. 2021. Anthropogenic warming of Tibetan Plateau and constrained future projection. Environmental Research Letters,16,044039.
18. Wu,M.,…,Zhang,W., et al. 2021. A very likely weakening of Pacific Walker Circulation in constrained near-future projections. Nature Communications,12,6502.
19. Zhou T.,J. Lu,W. Zhang,Z. Chen. 2020. The Sources of Uncertainty in the Projection of Global Land Monsoon Precipitation. Geophysical Research Letters,47,e2020GL088415.
20. Ren,L.,T. Zhou,W. Zhang. 2020. Attribution of the record-breaking heat event over Northeast Asia in summer 2018: the role of circulation,Environmental Research Letters,15 054018.
21. Nangombe S.,T. Zhou,W. Zhang, et al. 2018. Record-breaking climate extremes in Africa under stabilized 1.5°C and 2°C global warming scenarios. Nature Climate Change,8,375-380.
22. 周天军,张文霞,陈德亮,张学斌,李超,左萌,陈晓龙. 2021. 2021年诺贝尔物理学奖解读:从温室效应到地球系统科学. 中国科学:地球科学.
23.周天军, 张文霞, 张丽霞, 等. 2020. 人为气溶胶导致全球陆地季风区降水减少的动力和热力过程. 中国科学: 地球科学, 50: 1122–1137.